Insurance brokers using Google Ads – don’t rely on a couple of popular search terms and a high ad position to make you busy – there is more out there.

Every broker has very similar challenges – a quiet period on incoming quotes, or a sales team looking for instant volume to hit target, they lean on the person in control of marketing and the easy answer is to increase bids on the top keyword(s).

Being an insurance PPC specialist we are in a unique position to have a helicopter view across multiple brands and products. Our advice is to work on a strategy by product that is bespoke to your brokerage – “this month we need ‘x’ amount of quotes to deliver ‘y’ amount of sales”. Include a mix of platforms and approaches, you can still react to real time supply and demand but the advantages are:

  1. Slow periods will be less frequent and not so ‘urgent’ creating knee jerk decisions.
  2. Reacting to slow periods will mean you don’t have to outbid a competitor to get additional leads, you have several streams and all can be increased or switch on to the level needed.
  3. Wider reach you won’t be reliant on the top ad position or keep refreshing your screen to see where your ad is!
  4. You will know the actual product market size, instead of what can be delivered by a few “core” keywords on Google.

We wanted to share the top 3 in terms of best performing approaches to expand your reach and increase leads / sales:

  1. Remarketing. It’s not new, but it is underutilised especially using video ads. The key point is to track all your desired actions (forms, online purchases, calls etc – very important!) and show ads to users that do not create an ‘action’. No advertiser generates the desired action with every click so this enables you to get customers that have shown an interest back to your offering. YouTube, Facebook and for certain insurance products LinkedIn we have found to be the best performers.
  2. YouTube Ads targeting audiences. The potential audience grows everyday due to YouTube’s popularity expanding by video uploads. Around 500 hours of video content is uploaded to YouTube every minute. The clever part is the way you can target ads – one such way is by ‘keyword searched on Google in the last 7 days’ – get your ad in front of users who have searched for the most popular terms at a fraction of the cost search PPC cost. There are multiple targeting ways that are constantly growing and improving.
  3. Facebook – for the last 10 years we have been saying ‘people are not on fakebook to find insurance’ – which is true. However using their targeting tools for remarketing, look a likes, demographic / location targeting you can get results. Not just b2c either b2b insurance products too.

On average we improve the efficiency of an existing Google Ads campaign by 28% in the first 3 months of management – using our technology and experience.

If you are a broker looking to improve your PPC campaigns or are interested in how you can use Google Ads to reduce your reliance on third parties (lead generators and aggregators) contact us today.

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