Ads Acting Authentic?

You open google to search for your new car insurance premium and up pop all the websites that meet your search requirements. You see the comparison sites, big brand names but in amongst your search are sites you have never heard of. Maybe a smaller independent broker navigating their way through this diverse market? Do you disregard this site and continue scrolling or consider that this site may be just as legitimate as the ‘big guns?’

Authenticity is one of the biggest concerns when it comes to the internet. Particularly when it comes to marketing emails and of course those online purchases. Targeting is so specific right now through use of cookies and remarketing so it is difficult to differentiate what is real and what could be an imitation site waiting to poach your purchasing information and run for the hills.

Over recent years, there have been calls that there is a lack of transparency on the internet. How do we know that we can trust advertisers and they aren’t just operating under a name comparable to one we have come to know and trust? How do we prevent ourselves being redirected somewhere we don’t want to be?

Google’s identity verification has been rolled out to enable users to see exactly where the ads we are being served come from. This process requires all advertisers to submit personal identification and business incorporation documents to prove authenticity so consumers can immediately see where the company is based which allows the consumer to decide whether they consider this a legitimate site.

But is displaying our company name and location on our future adverts enough to build trust with consumers? Do we consider this the solution to affirm trust and convince us that we are not being misrepresented? I think so. As a consumer, I like to say I am big on local business and supporting these over larger companies. However, realistically I do still lean on the big-name brands for ease, familiarity and overall because I trust the brand. I do feel that seeing a business name and proven location would encourage trust in a site but the overall look, feel and functionality of the site would still play a massive part in my purchasing decision.

A key fundamental of building a brand has always been to build trust with consumers and this is another step in the right direction to achieve this from Google.

We want to know where we are buying our goods from and above all we want to ensure we are safe online.

To find out more about identity verification call us today and we will be happy to help.

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